Source code for probequest.config

ProbeQuest configuration.

import logging
from re import compile as rcompile, IGNORECASE

from scapy.arch import get_if_list

from .exceptions import InterfaceDoesNotExistException

[docs] class Config: """ Configuration object. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes _interface = None essid_filters = None essid_regex = None ignore_case = False mac_exclusions = None mac_filters = None output_file = None fake = False debug = False _compiled_essid_regex = None _frame_filter = None def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @property def interface(self): """ Interface from which the probe requests will be captured. """ return self._interface @interface.setter def interface(self, interface): # If interface does not exist. if interface not in get_if_list(): raise InterfaceDoesNotExistException( f"Interface {interface} does not exist" ) self._interface = interface @property def frame_filter(self): """ Generates and returns the frame filter according to the different options set of the current 'Config' object. The value is cached once computed. """ if self._frame_filter is None: self._frame_filter = "type mgt subtype probe-req" if self.mac_exclusions is not None: self._frame_filter += " and not (" for i, station in enumerate(self.mac_exclusions): if i == 0: self._frame_filter += \ f"ether src host {station}" else: self._frame_filter += \ f"|| ether src host {station}" self._frame_filter += ")" if self.mac_filters is not None: self._frame_filter += " and (" for i, station in enumerate(self.mac_filters): if i == 0: self._frame_filter += \ f"ether src host {station}" else: self._frame_filter += \ f"|| ether src host {station}" self._frame_filter += ")" self.logger.debug("Frame filter: \"%s\"", self._frame_filter) return self._frame_filter @property def compiled_essid_regex(self): """ Returns the compiled version of the ESSID regex. The value is cached once computed. """ # If there is a regex in the configuration and it hasn't been compiled # yet. if self._compiled_essid_regex is None and self.essid_regex is not None: self.logger.debug("Compiling ESSID regex") if self.ignore_case: self.logger.debug("Ignoring case in ESSID regex") self._compiled_essid_regex = rcompile( self.essid_regex, IGNORECASE ) else: self._compiled_essid_regex = rcompile(self.essid_regex) return self._compiled_essid_regex